Bookkeeping and Accounting for Family Lawyers

Searching for a bookkeeper and accountant for your family law practice? We handle your books, so you have more time to concentrate on your clients and cases. Sign up today and get a free month of bookkeeping, valued at $299.

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How Bench works with family lawyers

Get your bookkeeping, income tax prep, and filing done by experts—backed by one powerful platform. Bench works hand-in-hand with family lawyers.

We get you set up

Our team invests the necessary time to fully grasp the specifics of your family law practice, address your concerns, assist you in setting up your accounts, and give you a comprehensive guide on how Bench can make your bookkeeping easier.

We do your bookkeeping

Each month, your dedicated bookkeeper meticulously organizes your family law firm's transactions and prepares comprehensive financial statements. Should they require additional information from you, they'll proactively reach out.

We deliver tax-ready financials

Our team of experts is well-versed in Family Law practice financial regulations, tailoring our services to suit your firm's specific requirements.

Here’s why family lawyers like you trust Bench with their bookkeeping and accounting

Get fast, unlimited support from our expert advisors

We'll consistently provide you with bookkeeping updates tailored for your family law practice. Have urgent inquiries that just can't be put on hold? Our dedicated team will respond in one business day or less.

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Guaranteed accuracy in every detail

Our platform provides the automation of data inputs from most top providers, helping you avoid the typical errors. We're in partnership with esteemed legal vendors like Clio, LawPay, Justworks, and LegalZoom, ensuring your firm's finances are always precise and trustworthy. Choose Bench Accounting for your family law practice for error-free bookkeeping.

See where you’re spending. Make smart decisions

Say goodbye to mountains of client files and labor-intensive financial tracking—our software automates inputs directly from connected accounts. Gain insights from one centralized platform, enabling you to effortlessly comprehend the fiscal health of your family law practice and make strategic decisions.

people doing their bookkeeping at a table

Bench integrates with your favorite small business tools

We sync seamlessly with your financial accounts and tools to keep your books up-to-date and save you the time and effort of manually uploading documents.

Trusted by 25,000+ American small business owners

“Bench helped me replace QuickBooks, and save about 6 hours per month of horrible accounting work, which is priceless.”


“This is the first year where it’s tax season and I don’t feel anxious one bit.”


“Bench has lifted a giant weight off my shoulders and freed up my time so I can focus on earning money and working with clients, meetings and calls.”


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We know bookkeeping for family lawyers

Family law firms juggle many moving parts from managing client cases to keeping track of various financial transactions. Between billable hours tracking, account receivables, office expenses, and industry-specific taxes and laws, it's critical for a family lawyer to maintain meticulous financial records and stay updated. That's where Bench comes in. Our blend of advanced software and experienced human bookkeepers takes the hassle out of bookkeeping for family lawyers. We handle your financial tracking so you can focus on providing the best service to your clients.

In a complex field like family law, understanding specialized financial requirements such as trust accounting, professional service taxes, and varying state laws is paramount. We at Bench are well-versed in the industry-specific laws and taxes associated with family law practice. From managing your client trust accounts in line with the ethical rules to making sure you're fully prepared for your fiscal year-end with complete and detailed financial statements, we got you covered. We reconcile your books, provide monthly financial statements, and file your taxes, offering a comprehensive solution for your bookkeeping needs, giving you more time to devote to your clients and cases.

Simple, straightforward pricing for everything your business needs.

Get bookkeeping, tax prep, advisory, and filing with Bench's powerful, easy-to-use platform.

Choose Plan


Best for those looking for peace of mind and accurate financials done by professional bookkeepers.

billed annually

Dedicated bookkeeping experts
Accurate monthly books and year-end tax-ready financial packages
P&L, balance sheet and 1099 reporting
Unlimited communication with your bookkeeping team


Best for those looking for an all-in-one bookkeeping, tax advisory and income tax filing service.

billed annually

Everything in Essential plan
Dedicated team of licensed tax professionals to file your income tax return on time
Annual income tax filing for businesses (partnerships, S corps, C corps)
Annual income tax filing for individuals (sole proprietors, contractors)


Best for those looking for peace of mind and accurate financials done by professional bookkeepers.

billed monthly

Dedicated bookkeeping experts
Accurate monthly books and year-end tax-ready financial packages
P&L, balance sheet and 1099 reporting
Unlimited communication with your bookkeeping team


Best for those looking for an all-in-one bookkeeping, tax advisory and income tax filing service.

billed monthly

Everything in Essential plan
Dedicated team of licensed tax professionals to file your income tax return on time
Annual income tax filing for businesses (partnerships, S corps, C corps)
Annual income tax filing for individuals (sole proprietors, contractors)

Frequently Asked Questions

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As a family lawyer, what specific accounting considerations do I need to keep in mind for my firm?

As a family lawyer, there are several crucial accounting considerations for your firm. The key factors can be broken down into the following categories:

  • Trust Accounting: This is a critical aspect of running a law firm. Mismanagement of trust accounts can have serious implications, including legal repercussions. An experienced bookkeeper can ensure that your firm is compliant with rules related to client trust funds.
  • Expense Tracking: Tracking client invoices, office rent, staff salaries, and other operational costs is idea. Closely monitoring these expenses can improve your firm's financial health and help you identify areas for cost reduction.
  • Revenue Recognition: Law firms typically recognize revenues at different stages of a case. Employing best practices in recognizing revenue accurately and in a timely manner ensures proper income tracking and provides clearer insight into the financial health of your firm.
  • Tax Planning: Tax regulations for law firms can be complex. Working with a knowledgeable bookkeeper can help you devise effective tax strategies, take advantage of tax benefits and minimize tax burdens.

Enlisting the help of a professional bookkeeper can greatly assist in managing these specific accounting considerations for your law firm.

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How can a bookkeeper assist me with tracking client billing and trust accounts in my family law practice?

A bookkeeper can significantly aid in the management of your client billing and trust accounts in your family law practice. They are skilled in maintaining accurate financial records, an integral task when it comes to tracking billing information and disbursements from trust accounts. They can help in:

  • Creating accurate billing statements for clients
  • Reconciling trust account transactions
  • Ensuring compliance with financial regulations related to trust accounts
  • Keeping track of payments received and payments due
  • Providing detailed financial reports for a clear understanding of your practice's finances

With a bookkeeper's assistance, you can focus more on your legal work, knowing that your financial management is in capable hands.

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What financial systems or software should I use for efficient bookkeeping in my family law firm?

The choice of financial systems or software for efficient bookkeeping largely depends on the specific needs and requirements of your family law firm. Bench offers sophisticated tools for tracking income and expenses, generating reports, tax-filing, and more. Some firms also utilise legal-specific financial software such as Clio or MyCase, which offer integrated bookkeeping features designed to work seamlessly within the legal industry. It's important to explore different options and consider factors such as ease of use, cost, customer support, and integration with other tools you may be using in your practice.

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Does Bench outsource bookkeeping?

Nope! All bookkeeping is completed in-house.

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Will I have one point of contact?

Your bookkeeper will be your main point of contact, but at times you might hear from another member of your team. This is usually when your bookkeeper goes on vacation, is sick, or otherwise unavailable.

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How much time each month will I have to spend managing my Bench account?

We handle the bookkeeping for you but sometimes we’ll need your input, especially at year-end. On average, expect to spend 15 minutes each month answering questions for your bookkeeper, or uploading supporting docs.

Bookkeeping Services for Family Lawyers

Discover how we can help you have better finances with a personalized demo from a Bench expert, ready to answer all your questions. Sign up as a customer today and get a free month of bookkeeping, valued at $299.

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