Bookkeeping and Accounting for Surveyors

Seeking a bookkeeper and accountant for your surveying business? We tackle your books, so you can dedicate more time to detailed analysis and site inspections. Sign up today and get a free month of bookkeeping, valued at $299.

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How Bench works with surveyors

Get your bookkeeping, income tax prep, and filing done by experts—integrated with a powerful platform tailored for precision. Bench works effortlessly with surveyors.

We get you set up

Our team devotes themselves to thoroughly comprehend your surveying business, answer all your queries, assist you in linking your accounts, and demonstrate how Bench operates seamlessly with your operations.

We do your bookkeeping

Every month, your dedicated bookkeeper categorizes your surveying transactions and compiles financial reports. Should they require any additional information from you, they'll promptly reach out.

We deliver tax-ready financials

Our team of professionals is proficient in the specific tax rules impacting surveyors and will tailor their strategy to your business' distinctive requirements.

Here’s why surveyors like you trust Bench with their bookkeeping and accounting

Get fast, unlimited support from our expert advisors

We'll consistently provide you with bookkeeping updates tailored specifically for surveyors. Got pressing concerns that simply cannot be delayed? Rest assured, we'll respond to you within one business day or less.

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Guaranteed accuracy in every detail

Our platform takes your data inputs from most major providers and automates them to eliminate frequent errors. We collaborate with partners such as Gusto, Stripe, Shopify, and Square—ensuring your financials as a surveying business are always reliable and precise.

See where you’re spending. Make smart decisions

Say goodbye to complex computations and laborious manual data entry—we automate inputs directly from linked accounts. With Bench Accounting, Surveyors can gain insights from one unified dashboard, simplifying complex information so you can gauge the state of your business and strategize effectively.

people doing their bookkeeping at a table

Bench integrates with your favorite small business tools

We sync seamlessly with your financial accounts and tools to keep your books up-to-date and save you the time and effort of manually uploading documents.

Trusted by 25,000+ American small business owners

“Bench helped me replace QuickBooks, and save about 6 hours per month of horrible accounting work, which is priceless.”


“This is the first year where it’s tax season and I don’t feel anxious one bit.”


“Bench has lifted a giant weight off my shoulders and freed up my time so I can focus on earning money and working with clients, meetings and calls.”


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We know bookkeeping for surveyors

For surveying firms grappling with intricate tax laws, paperwork, and financial management, Bench Accounting offers a comprehensive solution. We understand that as a surveyor, you often deal with ad valorem taxes, depreciation of survey equipment, and intricate liability insurances. With a strong grasp of industry-specific financial nuances, our team of expert bookkeepers is well-equipped to navigate through these intricate areas. We help you accurately track income and expenses, manage payroll, and ensure you're maximizing deductions related to field equipment and software purchases.

We go beyond traditional bookkeeping by pairing our industry-experienced team with cutting-edge software that simplifies your financial journey. Bench takes care of your bookkeeping and tax needs in one place, freeing you up to focus on what you do best—surveying. Our personalized approach means that you'll always have a dedicated bookkeeper who specializes in surveying industry tax laws and can effectively take care of your financial health. From reconciling accounts to filing taxes, our team manages everything, ensuring your business stays compliant and financially solid. With Bench, you will never have to worry about the nuances of tax laws pertaining to surveyors or battle with common bookkeeping issues again.

Simple, straightforward pricing for everything your business needs.

Get bookkeeping, tax prep, advisory, and filing with Bench's powerful, easy-to-use platform.

Choose Plan


Best for those looking for peace of mind and accurate financials done by professional bookkeepers.

billed annually

Dedicated bookkeeping experts
Accurate monthly books and year-end tax-ready financial packages
P&L, balance sheet and 1099 reporting
Unlimited communication with your bookkeeping team


Best for those looking for an all-in-one bookkeeping, tax advisory and income tax filing service.

billed annually

Everything in Essential plan
Dedicated team of licensed tax professionals to file your income tax return on time
Annual income tax filing for businesses (partnerships, S corps, C corps)
Annual income tax filing for individuals (sole proprietors, contractors)


Best for those looking for peace of mind and accurate financials done by professional bookkeepers.

billed monthly

Dedicated bookkeeping experts
Accurate monthly books and year-end tax-ready financial packages
P&L, balance sheet and 1099 reporting
Unlimited communication with your bookkeeping team


Best for those looking for an all-in-one bookkeeping, tax advisory and income tax filing service.

billed monthly

Everything in Essential plan
Dedicated team of licensed tax professionals to file your income tax return on time
Annual income tax filing for businesses (partnerships, S corps, C corps)
Annual income tax filing for individuals (sole proprietors, contractors)

Frequently Asked Questions

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As a surveyor, what specific tax deductions can I claim for my business?

As a surveyor, there are numerous tax deductions available for your business. These can vary widely depending on the specific expenses incurred during the course of your work. Here are some examples:

  • Vehicle Expenses: If you use your own vehicle for surveying work, you might be able to claim for costs like fuel, repairs, and maintenance.
  • Equipment and Tools: Any specialist surveyor tools or equipment that you buy and use for the business could potentially be claimed as a tax deduction.
  • Professional Fees: This includes fees for licensing and certification necessary to operate in your field. Additionally, memberships to professional organizations may also be deductible.
  • Insurances: Business-related insurances such as professional liability insurance can usually be claimed.
  • Home Office Expenses: If you work from home, a portion of your home expenses may be deductible.
  • Travel and Accommodation: If your work requires travel, the costs associated could potentially be claimed.
  • Education and Training: If you undertake training or education to maintain or improve your skills as a surveyor, these costs could potentially form a tax deduction.

These are general examples, and every business situation is unique. It's advisable to consult with a professional bookkeeper to fully understand your tax deductions. Please note, this information is intended to serve as a guide and not legitimate tax advice.

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How does bookkeeping for a surveying business handle seasonal income and expense fluctuations?

Bookkeeping for a surveying business involves a meticulous tracking of income and expenses throughout the year, taking into account the seasonal fluctuations inherent in this industry. During the busy months, there is typically an increase in income and expenses due to greater operational activity. This should be recorded accurately to provide a realistic picture of the financial state of the business.

In the slower months, the income may decrease significantly, with expenses possibly remaining relatively constant. A professional bookkeeper can help monitor these fluctuations, adjust the budget accordingly, and ensure that the business maintains a healthy cash flow throughout the year. They can also advise on strategies to manage these fluctuations, such as setting aside a portion of the income generated during peak periods to cover expenses during quieter times.

This effective financial management helps the surveying business adapt to the changing seasons, always ready to take advantage of new opportunities while avoiding potential financial pitfalls associated with inconsistent income streams.

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What sort of accounting considerations should I be aware of if my surveying work covers multiple states?

If your surveying work covers multiple states, you should be aware of several accounting considerations. Firstly, note that tax laws can differ significantly state by state. Hence, intricate understanding of individual state tax laws is crucial to avoid potential legal troubles. Secondly, you should track income and expenses separately for each state you work in. This will ensure accuracy when you file state taxes. Lastly, remember that if you have employees working in different states, you need to account for different state payroll taxes and worker's compensation insurance. Employing an experienced bookkeeper can help you navigate these complexities with ease. Bench Accounting offers professional bookkeeping services tailored to your needs, helping your business stay compliant across multiple states.

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Does Bench outsource bookkeeping?

Nope! All bookkeeping is completed in-house.

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Will I have one point of contact?

Your bookkeeper will be your main point of contact, but at times you might hear from another member of your team. This is usually when your bookkeeper goes on vacation, is sick, or otherwise unavailable.

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How much time each month will I have to spend managing my Bench account?

We handle the bookkeeping for you but sometimes we’ll need your input, especially at year-end. On average, expect to spend 15 minutes each month answering questions for your bookkeeper, or uploading supporting docs.

Bookkeeping Services for Surveyors

Discover how we can help you have better finances with a personalized demo from a Bench expert, ready to answer all your questions. Sign up as a customer today and get a free month of bookkeeping, valued at $299.

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